If you have recently started your own business, you know how important it is to promote it. Once you have your official company website up and running, you will need to draw the attention of the public to it. This is an area where you simply can't afford to skimp or cut corners.
An online marketing campaign is an essential component of building your brand. At the same time, it's an excellent idea to reinforce your brand consciousness in the eyes of the public by giving them a little something extra. You can give away a USB flash drive that has your name, logo, and URL printed on it.
USB Sticks Make the Ultimate Free Promo Giveaway Item for Customers
There are several reasons why USB sticks make the very best promo item to give away for free to your customers. For one, they're incredibly cost effective. It actually costs next to nothing to have a batch of several hundred or thousand made up on the spot. You won't put a dent in your operating budget by giving them away.
Next, they're universally useful. Millions of people use these handy flash drives in their day to day operations. They also use them in plenty of private capacities. USB sticks are an item that everyone has a use for. You'll find that your public is very glad to receive them for free.
What Type of USB Should You Consider Giving Away to Your Public?
When you are deciding what type of USB to give away to your public, you should first know that not all flash drives are created equal. There are many different styles of USB, with different sizes and memory capacities.
Some USB sticks can be created for pennies on the dollar, while others are quite expensive. Your goal will be to create a batch of the highest quality USB sticks you can lay your hands on while still not stretching the budget that you have allocated to the task.
The Trade-Off for Memory Capacity is the Size of the Device
The first thing you will want to consider is just how portable you want your USB drive to be. It's important to offer a size that is easy for your customers to fit in their pocket. However, you will also want to create a device that is just large enough to be able to contain your printed company logo and website URL on the side.
You can offer a device that has a higher storage, but it may prove expensive to manufacture. Certain USB flash drives that you choose to personalise may also be a bit larger than the average USB. It's important to consider the size of your budget as well as the needs of the average customer when creating your USB drive.
Memory, Size, and Portability Will Play a Part in Creating Your Promo Item
As stated above, factors such as memory, size, and portability should be your main criteria when creating your USB promo items. Most people will simply be glad to receive a flash drive with average memory storage capacity. After all, they're getting the device for free. As long as the item functions according to their expectations, most people won't be too choosy. The key is to offer them a high-quality item that they will associate with your brand.